Friday, March 23, 2012

WAZZUB and What it’s All About

WAZZUB & What it’s All About?
WAZZUB, the world’s first PROFIT SHARING PHENOMENON and it is going VIRAL! The WAZZUB FAMILY is growing faster than any other Project on the Internet ever has. On average EVERY 4 SECONDS we welcome A NEW MEMBER and it is growing FASTER AND FASTER..

WAZZUB is a portal to launching your Internet Experience. They are a global company, which pays us the users to simply share the good news with friends that may want to benefit from this new opportunity as well. When we make WAZZUB our home page we qualify to get paid every month by them.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Ask, will earn billions of dollars simply because average people like us, use their services. Now you can still use these services for free, but you now will get paid by WAZZUB for your patronage.

Take a good look at the above logos. In 2012 WAZZUB will be a household name as surely as Facebook, Twitter and the rest have become in extremely fast periods of time. And what you are learning about is how you could be in on the very beginning of a tidal wave of growth.

You will only have to look back a year from now and wonder how you could have missed out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. This has NEVER been done before and most likely will never be done again. WAZZUB International is sharing 50% of all profits with the initial family that joins between now and April 9th at midnight EST.

For sharing the WAZZUB opportunity for the next few months you will receive a monthly payment for the rest of your life. And because you introduced your friends and contacts to WAZZUB, you will be paid by them, for not only the people you signed up, but also the people they sign up as well, for 5 generations deep. Now this adds up fast and the numbers can be astonishing.

The WAZZUB opportunity, is something that takes fast action on your part, to get the exposure you need now! Someone with Internet marketing experience, a list or a network can excel in this opportunity quickly.

Imagine…. You promote this for the next few months and you’re done. You never have to do another thing, you’re finished and you’re paid for the rest of your life with a share of 50% of the profits from WAZZUB International. And as they grow, your earnings grow with them.

Let’s Get Our Facts Straight!
This is not a multi level marketing (MLM) or matrix program as there is no fixed matrix. Sign up as many people as you want. WAZZUB International is funded by mainly two large investors in Europe and the United States since 2007, with the vision to dominate Google in the very near future.

The 50% profit sharing offered to all pre-launch members is FREE and remains free as their is no obligation to pay any fees or upgrade your account. WAZZUB International is a multibillion dollar project in the making. And unlike similar programs like &, WAZZUB does not have the up front admin, or monthly fees. You are not required to buy or sell anything to make money with WAZZUB International There are no duties or job to perform; you just collect your earnings.

How Does WAZZUB Make Money?
As a case study, using Google and Yahoo, both have 1 billion unique users per month using their services without paying for them. These search engines make millions for simply displaying ads on their site, which translates to roughly $1.00 per unique user per month. WAZZUB not only uses the same technologies as Google and Yahoo, but some additional revenue streams as well.

With WAZZUB International already making money from advertising revenues, the 50% profit shared with us, the pre-launch members will also grow as more income streams are added and mor new members make them their home page. The other 50% of the profits goes to the shareholders and Founders of WAZZUB International.

It is the goal of WAZZUB, to attract at least 10 million users per month after June 2012, but they will share the profits only with those members who registered before April 1st. Some people might say that this is just another business opportunity but they are wrong: WAZZUB is very special! It is a real advantage for every user to join WAZZUB and to invite others to do so, too. Here are the 6 most important reasons why:


#1 No “Jobs” to Do

In other business opportunities, you have to fulfill certain regular duties to remain “qualified”; e.g., click certain links, complete forms, review web sites, do some daily surfing, a multiple number of “required” activities! Here, you just set up WAZZUB as your homepage after pre-launch – and you are done!


#2 No Downloads

First they say you just have to sign up; then they tell you that you have to download their app, their toolbar, software, etc. Sometimes this is an attempt to get malware or spyware on to your PC. At WAZZUB there are no downloads.


#3 No Activity

In most other businesses you have to stay “active” to receive money, even after you have already built a huge downline. At WAZZUB, we will pay you for your lifetime based on the downline that you created during pre-launch. After we close pre-launch on March 31, 2012, you will keep your $FACTOR forever – guaranteed!


#4 No Fees Means No Fees – Ever

Have you ever joined a business that stated to be free, but right after you joined they told you that you have to pay a one-time or a monthly fee to participate? Not at WAZZUB – They stay free forever!


#5 No Fake Business

Some businesses are only about members paying each other with a “fake” product like a video course or an eBook. At WAZZUB we do real business creating the “perfect Internet” for all members, displaying ads, offering services and promoting special offers; Here there are no requirements to buy or sell anything from WAZZUB International.


#6 No Pyramid

Most online businesses are structured like a pyramid. On top you can find a few people who make a lot of money, but most of the members earn “peanuts” or even nothing. At WAZZUB, all members are building the business together; that is what we call THE POWER OF “WE”! After pre-launch, every pre-launch member receives their $ XFactor share from 50% of the profits. The more users we attract, the more profit will be there to share. The more free members you invite during pre-launch, the higher you’re personal $FACTOR will grow.


Can You Afford Not to Become a Free Member?

Some will look at WAZZUB and say it is a scam. Yet others will say this is too good to be true. You make your own destiny and you determine the outcome of your life by the very choices we make each and every day. This choice is a simple one. But it is not for procrastinators. This is for doers and leaders. Only you can determine if you want it bad enough or you will continue in your constant search for something better.

Well here is the free way to becoming very rich. How can free be a scam? How can there be too much to do when there is no job to do? How can WAZZUB be too hard when there is nothing to sell or buy? The choice is pretty obvious. Get involved with WAZZUB now and never look back!

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